Organic Peroxide Storage Cabinets

Organic Peroxide Storage Cabinets

Storemasta manufactures a range of Organic Peroxide Storage cabinets that meet strict quality and safety standards, providing optimum protection for your people, property and environment.

Organic Peroxide Cabinets, Made in Australia

All Storemasta Organic Peroxide Cabinets are constructed in Storemasta’s Australian based manufacturing facility. Local manufacturing allows Storemasta to provide consistent quality.

Quality is essential to ensure all Organic Peroxide Chemical Cabinets as this provides longevity and reliability for Class 5.2 storage. Each cabinet is fabricated from sheet steel, assembled using automated process, finished with a high-build powder coat and marked with the relevant Class 5.2 Organic Peroxide signage.   

Organic Peroxide Storage that meets Australian Standards

Storemasta Organic Peroxide Safety Cabinets are manufactured to comply with the requirements of the Australian Standard AS 2714 - The storage and handling of organic peroxides.

Compliance with the Standards allow Storemasta’s Class 5.2 Safety Cabinets to store all types of Class 5.2 Organic Peroxides with compliance.

Class 5.2 Dangerous Goods are unstable substances and they can undergo exothermic self-accelerating decomposition. This means that they may be liable to explosive decomposition, be sensitive to impact or friction, burn rapidly, react dangerously with other substances and cause damage to eyes. Therefore safe storage of organic peroxides is a legal requirement. Choose from a range of models and capacities from 15L Organic Peroxide Cabinets to the popular 250L models.

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Get the answer with FAQs.

What risks do organic peroxides pose?

There are many risks posed by organic peroxides including decomposition, reactions and fires. Therefore, the correct storage for these substances must be utilised to control risks.

Are Storemasta Organic Peroxide safety cabinets built in Australia?

Yes, Storemasta designs and manufactures all Safety Cabinets in our Tasmanian manufacturing facility with all cabinets meeting strinct quality and safety standards.

How do Organic Peroxide Cabinets reduce hazards?

Storemasta's Organic Peroxide Cabinets offer a range of chemical controls including spill containment, self-closing doors and safety signage. These cabinets also release the doors if pressure builds up within the cabinet, as per the requirements of the Australian Standards.